The new influencers: Unemployed people are using TikTok to share “a day in the life” videos with their followers and show them how they’re getting by. The algorithm rewards shocking and emotional content, so this is a good way to rack up views – and money. An even better idea: Update your LinkedIn profile and put #OpenToWork there to find a real job (paywall link).

Keywords: Algorithm, Influencer, Link, LinkedIn, Money, Profile, TikTok, Videos

Fraud in the 2024 election: Beware of fake fundraising campaigns

In all my years on the radio, I’ve made a few things clear: I don’t talk politics and I don’t give stock tips. But every good rule has its exceptions, and scams are mine. I’m here to help you stay safe as we approach the election.

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How easy is it to unlock an iPhone?

Don’t enter your passcode when you’re out in public. You never know who might be looking over your shoulder.

1 dollar for a needy

In a small town in North Dakota. One woman bought a two-bedroom home built in 1924 that needs a lot of work, but you can’t beat this deal. Most homes in the area sell for around $100,000. She now has a hugely popular TikTok account chronicling her restoration journey.

1X Technologies and OpenAI introduce the humanoid robot “Neo Beta”

1X Technologies and OpenAI have just released a preview of the “Neo Beta,” a frighteningly realistic humanoid robot. It moves like a human and its advanced vision system allows it to interact with the environment in real time. In this video, it picks up a backpack, puts its hand around a woman’s waist, and waves at the camera.

12 hours per week

How much children should read to lead better lives as adults. Researchers analyzed 10,000 children and found that the earlier they started reading for fun, the better their learning ability, memory, language, and mental well-being. Looking for recommendations? These are the best-selling children’s books on Amazon.

When you purchase through our links, we may earn a commission, but our reporting and recommendations are always independent and objective.

190 Gbps

Speed ​​achieved in 6G Wi-Fi tests. The new standard is so fast that you can download an entire season of your favorite series in just a few seconds. But it won’t arrive for a few years.

$1,000 per night

Costs for a wellness holiday for young parents. They show up in fancy hotels across the US (paywall link). For that much money, you get access to 24/7 babysitting staff so you can sleep through the night. The $800 per night hotel rate includes breastfeeding advice, head and hand massages, foot massages, and hot towel massages.

How to stop political texts

Are you tired of getting text messages from unknown numbers about the upcoming election? Here are some great tips to help you stay freaked out until November ends.

Emails get lost

If you suspect someone is stealing your mail, it may be a good idea to help the police find the person. Never tackle this alone.

I am so grateful for the organ donor who made my corneal transplant possible