
The shop front of a Hungarian pastry shop is being renovated

The shop front of a Hungarian pastry shop is being renovated

The shop front of a Hungarian pastry shop is being renovated

Thanks to Dave Cook from Eating in Translation for the tip and the photo!

The historic Hungarian Pastry Shop, 1030 Amsterdam Avenue between 110th and 111th Streets, is currently undergoing a facade renovation. The traditional store announced the renovation last week and said it would be closed from August 5 to 18.

“The renovation plans respect the store’s heritage,” New York YIMBY wrote in December. “The proposal calls for replacing the old vinyl, which was installed in 1978, with a more durable tile facade. Notably, the original motif of two people kissing will be retained but refreshed with a modern perspective.”

Google Maps (enlarged) from March 2023

According to the proposal submitted to the Historic Preservation Committee, other reasons for the upgrade include: lack of fresh air from the top vent, a “rusty and outdated” roll-up door, an entry door too small to meet ADA requirements, obnoxious exterior lighting and peeling exterior paint.

“The existing storefront dates from 1978 and has not been renovated since,” the presentation states. “The existing storefront is not energy efficient in any way, leaking cold air in the summer and warm air in the winter. Its state of disrepair also makes it difficult to seal against the entry of vermin from the street.”

Here are some pictures of the existing conditions the bakery hopes to improve in just over a week.

And here is a representation of the upgraded exterior:

Facade renovation Hungarian pastry shop



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