
Toddler is served wine instead of apple juice in Californian restaurant – and ends up in the emergency room

Toddler is served wine instead of apple juice in Californian restaurant – and ends up in the emergency room

A Californian restaurant accidentally served a toddler wine instead of apple juice – after which, according to his parents, he was hospitalized with a dangerously high blood alcohol level.

Noemi Valencia and her partner were having dinner with their 2-year-old daughter at Fujiyama Japanese restaurant in Salinas on Saturday night when the girl suddenly became unsteady, she told KSBW 8.

“She was swaying, she was falling over, she was leaning against walls, she couldn’t hold her head up and her voice was slurred,” Valencia said.

The Japanese restaurant Fujiyama served a two-year-old girl cooking wine instead of apple juice. KSBW

She said she took a look into the little girl’s juice cup – which had been served with a lid – then sniffed the brownish-red liquid and quickly realized it was alcohol.

The frightened parents took the tipsy child to the emergency room, where they learned that her blood alcohol level was 0.12 per mille – almost twice the legal adult driving limit.

Noemi Valencia warned parents to taste what their children are served in restaurants. KSBW

A manager at the restaurant said, according to the broadcaster, that a waiter accidentally gave the child homemade cooking wine that was incorrectly labeled as “apple juice.”

The two-year-old girl was admitted to hospital with a blood alcohol level of 0.12. KSBW

After the spectacular foul at the dinner party, Valencia warned other parents: “Taste what is served to your children.”

She also called on Fujiyama to be more careful about the labelling and storage of food and beverages.

“Take precautions when storing things and label them properly so this doesn’t happen to anyone else,” she said.

The two-year-old has since recovered and police are investigating the incident together with state authorities, the broadcaster reported.

“The California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control is aware of the reports and is working with local authorities to investigate,” the agency said.

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