
Too much time in front of the screen? How to find the right balance when it comes to smartphone use for your children.

Too much time in front of the screen? How to find the right balance when it comes to smartphone use for your children.

My daughter is a growing teenager and we enjoy watching movies together that I loved when I was her age. Some of the movies – dialogue and plot – have aged poorly. Sometimes we cringe together at the sexism that I just didn’t understand as a teenager. Sometimes she finds things hilariously old-fashioned. But after watching the 1984 film Footloose, she thought, “I wish I was born when you were a teenager.”

I didn’t expect that.

As we got deeper into the subject, she was specifically referring to the ending, when the high school students come together to transform an old mill into their prom. And, she added without me prompting her, there were no phones to take up the teenagers’ time and energy. They didn’t have to search Pinterest for ideas! It wasn’t any less fun just because it wasn’t immortalized on TikTok!

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