
UN must suspend food distribution as Israel evacuates 89 percent of Gaza Strip

UN must suspend food distribution as Israel evacuates 89 percent of Gaza Strip

In the latest phase of the American-Israeli genocide and ethnic cleansing of the Gaza Strip, Israeli officials ordered the evacuation of parts of the city of Deir al-Balah, cramming Gaza’s displaced and starving population into an ever smaller portion of the area.

Palestinians huddle together as they wait for food distribution in Rafah, southern Gaza Strip, November 8, 2023 (AP Photo/Hatem Ali)

The population of Gaza, which numbered over two million before the genocide began, is now crammed into an area of ​​just 41 square kilometers, or 11 percent of the total area of ​​Gaza. The remaining 89 percent is under evacuation orders from the Israel Defense Forces.

The United Nations warned: “The region lacks vital infrastructure and basic services, and assistance delivery is limited due to access and security challenges. Severe overpopulation, with a population density of 30,000 to 34,000 people per square kilometre, has exacerbated severe shortages of essential resources such as water, sanitation and hygiene items, health services, protection and shelter.”

In the wake of the latest ethnic cleansing operation announced over the weekend, the United Nations announced that it would suspend its food distribution efforts for a second time after UN staff were forcibly expelled from the city of Rafah during previous military operations.

“Where are we going now? … The space for manoeuvre is more limited than ever,” a UN official told Reuters on Monday. “As of this morning, we are no longer operating in Gaza” to deliver food and medical aid because “we are not in a position to deliver today under the prevailing conditions.”

Gilles Michaud, UN Under-Secretary-General for Security and Order, added: “Mass evacuation orders are the latest in a long list of intolerable threats to UN and humanitarian personnel.” He said Israeli officials had “given only hours’ notice to evacuate more than 200 UN staff from their offices and residences in Deir el-Balah, a key humanitarian hub.”

Louise Wateridge, UNRWA’s senior communications officer, told Al Jazeera: “It’s a real struggle to give people here what they need because we don’t have enough aid. There aren’t enough supplies coming in; we don’t have enough access to provide for people.”

She added: “So many people are dying in Gaza from diseases that can be treated. People can be saved, but we don’t have the means to give them that. We don’t have the means to do our best.”

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