
Use the Internet like it’s 2024 with this modern web browser for Windows XP

Use the Internet like it’s 2024 with this modern web browser for Windows XP

What you need to know

  • MyPal68 is a modern open source web browser project that allows Windows XP users (and all nostalgia fans) to use the Internet in modern times.
  • It is based on Firefox 68, which is itself quite old, but at least makes browsing the web on outdated hardware and software a decent experience.
  • While there are still obstacles and websites that just don’t work properly, you can’t help but be impressed.

Last night, for reasons known only to the parts of my brain that don’t often come out, I started booting up a bunch of virtual machines running older versions of Windows. There’s a reason I won’t go into here, but it was pretty fun messing around with operating systems from my youth.

One of the bigger problems with using old versions of Windows, like the legendary XP, is that modern stuff often just doesn’t work. This goes for the Internet and the browsers we use to interact with it. Internet Explorer is long dead, and even if it did work, it would be terrible.

To fix the problem, however, you have to turn to an absolute legend, because after some searching, you came across MyPal68. No, it’s not some dodgy online chat app from the late 90s, but a modern web browser that supports Windows XP. And it works!

A modern browser experience on an old version of Windows. What a time to be alive. (Image credit: Windows Central)

MyPal68 is an open source project, and you can poke around a bit at its GitHub repo. I use the term “modern” in the broadest sense, because while it’s absolutely cutting edge for Windows XP, it’s still based on technology that’s outdated by Windows 11 standards.

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