
Volunteers clean up Panella Park

Volunteers clean up Panella Park


Residents have the opportunity to participate in Stockton’s Clean City initiative on Saturday to clean up one of the largest parks in the Northeast.

According to the city calendar, volunteers plan to gather on August 17 from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. to beautify Panella Park.

Saturday’s event is the latest of seven community cleanups planned this year by the Clean City Initiative – a joint effort of volunteers, city departments and recycling and waste companies – according to a city report.

Clean City Initiative: Volunteers help clean up trash and illegal dumping throughout Stockton

Previous cleanups have focused on parks across the city, from Paul E. Weston Park in Weston Ranch to Sandman Park in the northwest.

The planned cleanup of Panella Park on Saturday is part of a larger transformation of a facility that is “more than a neighborhood park,” 2nd District City Councilman Dan Wright said Friday.

Already well used for its Arnold Rue regional community center and events such as last year’s “Balloons Over Bullets” water fights, Panella was one of three Stockton parks that the City Council allocated a total of $526,000 to renovate last fall.

“This is part of a planned park redevelopment that will culminate in the installation of new playground equipment,” Wright said.

“The more volunteers come tomorrow, the more we can achieve.”

In an online invitation to the cleanup, the Clean City Initiative asked that volunteers wear closed shoes and clothing appropriate for working outdoors.

Here you can find out more about the event and register as a volunteer.

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