
Was a ghost filmed at a rock radio station in Texas?

Was a ghost filmed at a rock radio station in Texas?

Do you even know how many “Ghost Catcher” shows are on TV?

Image by Barbara on Pixabay

Image by Barbara on Pixabay

The question

The popularity of ghost shows on television is insane. Much like murder documentaries, ghost shows are a form of entertainment that you turn on the television and have on repeat all day. They have become so popular that even Ozzy Osbourne’s son Jack has multiple shows. Jack Osborne is in “Portals To Hell,” the ghost-related “The Osbournes Want To Believe,” “Night Of Terror,” “Haunted Homecoming,” and I’m sure there are others I’ve forgotten.

Are they real?

Personally, I think there is a lot of meat and bones in these shows. Usually someone sets up a scary situation, then something small happens, like opening a cupboard, and then you conclude that it might be haunted. I myself tell my family the same thing every time they watch these shows, that if a real ghost is filmed, it will be front page news or headline news, so there is no point wasting time on hours of TV preparation.


What if we actually had evidence of the existence of a ghost? Even if one was filmed, it would raise bigger questions, such as why The one? Of all the possible “ghosts” out there, can’t we find someone we once knew rather than some obscure ghost? Now, with all that in mind, get ready for a real ghost sighting.

The Spirit

I get to work VERY early in the morning. Sometimes I make it before 3:30 am. It’s just necessary to process all the information to get our show ready. I also have to do a bit of voice work and a few other tasks. I’m always alone and usually wear headphones, so another person showing up can be a little terrifying. So imagine my surprise when I saw a real ghost! If you don’t believe me, then take a look:

Do you believe it now? Either way, this ghost sighting is a big deal. Spread the word to all your ghost hunting friends.

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Sit back on the terrace of one of these popular restaurants.

Gallery Credit: Chrissy

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