
We are still mourning the discontinuation of Wolfgang Puck’s chicken noodle soup

We are still mourning the discontinuation of Wolfgang Puck’s chicken noodle soup

Soup is a dish that’s satisfying any time of year, but for busy home cooks, it can be difficult to find time to cook from scratch. Instead, many resort to a quick and easy store-bought alternative, relying on that brand to feed themselves and their families.

So when you discover that a favorite canned soup is no longer available, it can be more than a little disconcerting. Unfortunately, this is a fairly common phenomenon, as evidenced by our selection of 12 discontinued soups we won’t be getting back. One loss we still deeply regret, however, is Wolfgang Puck’s Organic Chicken Noodle Soup.

This soup was full of hearty flavor thanks to high-quality ingredients like organic free-range chicken and savory vegetable broth—along with a healthy serving of organic egg noodles. Although the Puck brand was acquired by Campbell’s in 2008, it ultimately didn’t survive the battle for grocery store shelves. Eventually, it quietly disappeared from the market, and while we had to look for ways to replace this soup, we remember it fondly for many reasons.

What we loved about Wolfgang’s soup

There’s a lot to complain about with this particular can of comfort food. For one, the ingredients were familiar and free of fillers, artificial flavors, preservatives, and other additives common in some canned soups. It included ingredients like vegetable broth, egg noodles, carrots, chicken, and spicy seasonings like paprika. And that organic designation applied to everything on the label, right down to the garlic and onion powder. Soup lovers could rest assured that this brand delivered all the goodness they expect from chicken noodle soup (and it even included turmeric, a natural anti-inflammatory that also adds flavor and color to dishes).

While the soup wasn’t a particularly pleasant option for vegetarians and people on gluten-free diets, and its sodium content was a cause for concern at 37% of the daily value per serving size, it was attractive to shoppers looking for non-GMO products. Additionally, if you opted for the microwave method, it was ready in less than three minutes, making it a type of “fast food” that many consumers liked.

Substitute for this soup

While Wolfgang Puck’s organic chicken noodle soup is no longer available, there are alternatives that might fit the bill. In fact, we’ve tried and rated 9 canned chicken noodle soups and can safely say that Progresso makes a traditional chicken noodle soup that satisfies the desire for a soup that looks like it’s homemade.

If you can’t think of any other canned soup that comes close to Wolfgang Puck’s, you can of course try a classic chicken noodle soup recipe at home or opt for a slow-cooker version that requires less effort while still achieving the artisanal taste.

The label on Wolfgang Puck soup suggested sprinkling some fresh dill over the bowl as an aromatic and flavorful garnish (which also adds a pop of color). Just because we can’t get this soup anymore doesn’t mean we can’t apply this good advice to other options. And speaking of advice, when it comes to your favorite store-bought soup, always stock up—and savor every spoonful like it’s your last.

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