
We have seen the future and it is called natural gas | texasinsider

We have seen the future and it is called natural gas | texasinsider

Stephen Moore – Unleash Prosperitj

The price of natural gas has fallen to $2 MMBTU in recent weeks, the lowest inflation-adjusted energy price in 20 years – and probably the lowest in human history.

Prices down, down, down.

Thanks to modern drilling technologies – including horizontal drilling and fracking – natural gas is now cheaper than bottled water, which currently sells for $2.69.

A constant theme on the hotline is that the so-called “green energy transition” is a product of the left’s over-extended imagination. Despite hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars being poured into wind and solar energy, we still get less than 10% of our energy from green sources. The needle hasn’t moved.

Natural gas, on the other hand, has all the qualities of a miracle fuel. It is abundant, made in America, burns cleanly (using natural gas REDUCES carbon dioxide emissions), is reliable, and is cheap.

It can also be used for all of America’s energy needs – including transportation. (If we switch to electric vehicles, we’ll get the electricity from natural gas.)

The left is of course against natural gas because it is TOO cheap and TOO plentiful. Why use natural gas when you can use expensive and totally unreliable wind energy?

We need permits for more LNG terminals and pipelines so that we can transport our natural gas resources to all regions of the country and export them all over the world.


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