
What are LEED certified projects in Asheville, NC

What are LEED certified projects in Asheville, NC

Have you seen a local building described as “LEED certified” and wondered what that means? We will not leed You will find everything you need to know here.

What is LEED?

LEED stands for “Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design” and is an international Green building System developed by the US Council on Green Building (UGBC). Certification promotes more efficient buildings and communities in all phases of development, from new construction to maintenance.

What are the levels?

A project receives its LEED certification through points. Points are awarded by 20+ categoriesaddressing carbon, energy, water, waste, transport, materials, health and indoor environmental quality.

The more points a project receives, the higher its certification level. The four levels are:

Local LEED certified projects

Broadway Public Safety Station316 Broadway St.
The newest site to join the ranks of certified local places received gold for elements such as water conservation and on-site renewable energy.

East Asheville Library3 Avon Rd.
When the library was rebuilt in 2021, it was the county’s first LEED-certified building, with energy-efficient design choices such as reduced water use and optimized energy systems.

New Belgian BrewingCraven Street 21.
The distribution center received silver certification, while the brewery received gold certification and the beverage center received platinum certification.

Dr. Wesley Grant Sr. Southside Community Center285 Livingston St.
Phase one of the community center received LEED certification for its green roof and geothermal heating and cooling, making it the first facility built by the City of Asheville to receive this designation.

Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.100 Sierra Nevada Way, Mills River
The brewery’s sprawling campus has received platinum certification and features 2,200 solar panels and microturbines that convert methane biogas into electricity.

Search the database to find more local LEED-certified projects. Also, dive into the LEED certification process for new or under construction residential projects.

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