
What illness Sam has in “A Quiet Place”: Day one

What illness Sam has in “A Quiet Place”: Day one

Warning: Contains SPOILERS for “A Quiet Place: Day One”!


  • Sam’s fatal illness is never explicitly named in “A Quiet Place: Day One,” so viewers can only speculate.
  • Sam’s cancer diagnosis influences her decisions in the film and causes her to prioritize creating happy memories.
  • A Quiet Place: Day One follows Sam’s journey through New York City during the alien invasion, starring Lupita Nyong’o.

A quiet place: day one revealed that Sam has an illness, but since it is a little vague, many viewers have wondered what illness she actually has. While A quiet place: day oneSam’s illness is mentioned several times as it is a huge motivator for the character. Sam’s very first scene shows her living in hospice, which means the illness is serious, so here’s what she actually has during the story A quiet place: day one.

A quiet place: day one is the critically acclaimed Prequel to the beloved A quiet place franchiseand instead of focusing on the existing characters, it instead tells a completely new story set in New York City. The cast of A quiet place: day one Lupita Nyong’o plays the protagonist Sam, who tries to escape New York along with a handful of other survivors. However, Sam has a different motive: her terminal illness makes her question whether it is even worth escaping New York.

Sam is suffering from an incurable cancer, unspecified, in a quiet place: Day one

The film does not reveal exactly what type of cancer it is

Through A quiet place: day one, Sam’s illness is constantly mentionedIt turns out that she has terminal cancer. The cancer is the reason why Sam is in the hospice at the beginning of the film. Her initial circle of friends consists of other residents and staff of the hospice where she is.

Sam only makes it to the city because her hospice group goes on a trip to a puppet theater.

Interesting, A quiet place: day one never reveals in the film exactly what type of terminal cancer she has. Not specifying the type of cancer neither adds much to the story nor takes much away from it, as it is a bit of a mystery to the audience. There are no real clues as to what type of cancer Sam has, as it is a point of speculation among A quiet place: day one fans.

How Sam’s terminal cancer diagnosis affects her decisions In A Quiet Place: Day One

That’s why she would rather eat pizza than flee

Sam’s terminal cancer is one of the biggest influences on her character throughout A quiet place: day oneand it’s what drives most of their decisions. Most of the other characters in the film want to escape New York in the hopes of surviving the alien invasion. However, that’s not the case with Sam. because she knows that she will die soon anyway.

Because of her recognition of this dark reality, Sam wants to fill her final days with good memories instead of escaping. Because of this, Sam wants to eat one last slice of pizza before she dies, realizing that this memory will make her happier in her final days than her escape from New York. This sad but beautiful character arc is what makes Sam so special, as he is the focus of A quiet place: day one.

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