
What Phase 2 of rent reform in WA means for you

What Phase 2 of rent reform in WA means for you

There was big news for tenants and landlords in Western Australia last month: the second phase of the state’s rental reform came into effect on July 29.

So there are some important changes you should know about – from fewer rent increases to more freedom for tenants to make their homes more livable – these changes are designed to make renting in WA a little easier for everyone.

Below you will find a short summary with thanks to consumer protection. All the information you need can be found here.

Personalize your space

Have you always wanted to make your rental apartment more comfortable? Now it’s possible! Under the new rules, tenants can make minor changes to their rental properties, provided they get their landlord’s permission first.

We’re talking about small changes like hanging pictures, painting a wall or even installing child safety locks or a water-saving shower head. Of course, there are some exceptions where landlords can say no, such as if a local authority or bylaw prohibits it, or if doing so would release asbestos or affect a listed building.

If landlords believe that reversing the change would be too costly, they can take their case to the Consumer Protection Commissioner.

At the end of your lease, you will have to return everything to its original condition unless your landlord agrees to let you leave the changes as they are.

Pets are (mostly) welcome

Good news for pet lovers! The new reforms mean that pets are generally allowed in rented accommodation. Just like with alterations, you will need to get permission from your landlord, but they can only say no if there is a legal reason or if they can convince the Commissioner that there is a valid reason, for example if the property does not have a fence.

Landlords may also impose reasonable requirements, such as disinfection upon departure. However, more specific requirements (such as keeping your cat in an outdoor enclosure) may require approval from the landlord.

Rent increases are postponed to annual

From July 29, rent increases will only be permitted every 12 months, instead of every six months as before. This change will come into effect immediately for fixed-term rental agreements and will apply to fixed-term rental agreements after the current term has expired.

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A new way to resolve conflicts

Nobody likes the idea of ​​going to court, so the new Commissioner Determination process is a win-win for everyone. Instead of going to court for simple disputes, tenants, landlords and agents can now bring their case online.

The Consumer Commissioner will make a decision and everyone will receive a written explanation of the judgment. This new process is designed to make resolving rental disputes quicker, easier and far less stressful.

From the beginning of 2025, the Commissioner Determination procedure will also cover disputes related to the release of bonds.

For further details of these reforms visit the Consumer Protection website at or call 1300 30 40 54.

Photo credit: Troy Mutton

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