
Who will Jenn Tran choose?

Who will Jenn Tran choose?

Devin meets the family

3 minutes ago

Jenn and Devin.

DISNEY/John Fleenor

Before Jenn’s family could meet Devin, she told them that she had “equal” feelings for her two remaining men. However, she told her mother Trinh, her aunt Lylan, her brother James, and her best friend Nicole that only Devin told her he loved her and not Marcus.

Devin arrived excited to meet the quartet. “Jenn is a person who makes me feel 100 percent complete,” he told them. “She’s an amazing person.”

Lylan asked if he could make sure Jenn “always feels loved and safe,” and Devin replied that “it would be a blessing for me to be that person.”

Still, Trinh was skeptical about the whole process. “I think they need more time to understand each other,” she said.

Jenn told her mother that Devin “wants to understand me, he wants to see all these sides of me.” That includes her Vietnamese culture, she continued. “He wants to help me raise our kids that way. And he wants you to teach our kids Vietnamese.”

Mom wasn’t convinced.

A sexy preview

30 minutes ago

Hours before the finale began, Bachelorette Jenn Tran shared photos of herself in a white lace dress on Instagram. “I once believed love was black and white,” she wrote. “But it’s golden.”

Meanwhile, the main Bachelorette Instagram posted several clips of the gentlemen meeting Jenn’s family, followed by “the live Bachelorette Finale you never expected.”

“Where should I go before her?” she asks. “I have a sinking feeling in my stomach and I don’t know what to do with it.”

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