
Why was this Walmart shopper stopped at the self-checkout lane?

Why was this Walmart shopper stopped at the self-checkout lane?

In a viral video, a pregnant veteran recounts how she was almost cited by police for an honest mistake while shopping at Walmart. She says the incident resulted in a purchase of over $10 at the self-checkout counter.

Self-Checkout vs. Cashier Assistance

Customers are generally divided about self-checkout machines. They are sometimes faster than the regular line and can be a more pleasant experience for introverted people. But people also complain that they shouldn’t do the work of a cashier just so a business can save money. Plus, what should be a quick and easy process can quickly become a slog.

Even some companies have noticed that their popular self-checkout lanes (which many retailers introduced to save on labor costs) have become a bottomless pit as people steal them both intentionally and accidentally. Major retailers like Walmart, Costco and Wegmans are already rethinking their checkout strategy, CNN reported.

Self-checkout went wrong

In a viral video with over 4.2 million views, Taylor (@taysfulnails) shares an experience that may make you think twice about which payment method you use.

Taylor explains that she was five months pregnant and stopped by Walmart to pick up more prenatal vitamins, but of course, as shopping goes, she ended up buying a few more things.

After she had scanned all of her items, an employee tapped her on the shoulder.

“Can you please come with me?” he said, instructing her to leave her shopping cart full of groceries behind.

“Now I feel like I’m doing a walk of shame because I don’t think I did anything wrong. But everyone is looking at me as I’m escorted to the office,” Taylor says in the clip.

Once there, Walmart employees told Taylor that she hadn’t scanned all of her items at the self-checkout. What had she forgotten to scan? The prenatal vitamins – the main thing she had gone to Walmart for.

This is the perfect time to inform you that pregnant women develop “pregnancy brain,” which essentially means an increase in forgetfulness. According to, about 50 to 80% of women experience this phenomenon.

By this time the police had already arrived.

Police interference

Taylor explained that it was an honest mistake and said she would be happy to take responsibility for it. However, she said they refused her request and insisted on reporting the incident to the police.

“You can imagine that by the fifth month my hormones were already going crazy – I was just freaking out,” Taylor recalls.

The shopper then ranted about how customers are now expected to do the job of a cashier and bluffed that she knew people in upper management. She also pointed out how ridiculous it was that they had observed her not scanning the item and instead of politely pointing it out to her, they had waited until she had finished so they could claim she had intentionally stolen.

Taylor reminded Walmart employees that she was five months pregnant and a veteran.

After all that, the police officer no longer insisted on filing a complaint, but instead banned her from visiting Walmart for a month. And she was not allowed to buy prenatal vitamins.

Taylor says she was so upset with the way they handled things that she stopped going to the store for a month.

How does Walmart track thefts?

Like many major retailers, Walmart uses numerous methods and technologies to catch people who steal, either intentionally or unintentionally.

These include surveillance cameras, in-store security guards, mystery shoppers and facial recognition software.

“Whether Walmart maintains a central database of shoplifters has not been publicly confirmed. Retailers often work with police and may share information about incidents and suspects to increase security,” law firm Ceja reported.

@taysfulnails SHORT STORY TIME😅😂 #fy #storytime #fypage #selfcheckout ♬ Original sound – Taye

What should I do if I get caught shoplifting?

If you are caught shoplifting, Jose Ceja, lead attorney at Ceja Law Firm, recommends that you do everything in your power to get the case dismissed. A shoplifting charge can haunt you for the rest of your life and make it difficult to find work or even a safe place to live.

He says many shoplifting cases are ultimately dropped, especially if it is the first offense or if there is a lack of evidence.

Viewers had a lot to say in the comments section, with many expressing understanding for Taylor’s situation.

“You watched your pregnancy videos while three Roku TVs walked out of the store for a ridiculously low price,” read one top comment.

“I did asset protection for Walmart. They can’t do that. It’s not theft until you walk in the first door. You’ve been profiled and tracked,” one person claimed.

“It would have been easier if they had just come to you and said, ‘I noticed you didn’t scan the prenatal tests. Do you still want them? If not, I can take them for you,'” said another.

“They owe you the biggest apology for the embarrassment,” wrote one commenter.

The Daily Dot reached out to Tyalor for comment via direct message on Instagram and TikTok and via email to Walmart.

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