
Wild pizza experiment marks the beginning of a restaurant adventure

Wild pizza experiment marks the beginning of a restaurant adventure

A photo of Natcho Average Pizza at Raceway Bar and Grill outside the restaurant. (Kaylee Del Cotto)

Raceway Bar and Grill is serving up something that could rival Taco Bell’s Mexican pizza, and it’s only this weekend.

One of its creators calls it “something ridiculous.”

The “Natcho Average Pizza” is a cheese pizza where the pizza sauce is replaced with nacho sauce. It is topped with tortilla chips, ground beef, lettuce, pickled jalapenos, black olives, tomatoes, onions, sour cream and more nacho cheese.

It resembles a nacho mountain with melted cheese and a crispy bottom.

Owner Rand Del Cotto can only describe the spicy experimental cuisine as follows: “It tastes like the Spanish language sounds.”

The food is the result of some experimentation in the kitchen, said the store’s marketing director, Kaylee Del Cotto, Rand’s daughter-in-law.

“I don’t know how we came up with this,” Kaylee said. “We just put our minds together and wanted to come up with something crazy.”

The pizza-crust nacho platter serves three to four people and is available for $24.99 this weekend only. And that’s not the only crazy thing the Raceway Bar and Grill is serving up.

“We’re going to be doing a series in the next few months or so,” Kaylee said, calling it “Wild Weekends.”

“We will be offering next-generation items that are absolutely extraordinary and that people have never seen before.”

Raceway will host the special every weekend on their Facebook pagewhich does not only include main courses or starters. There may also be drinks and desserts.

“We want to try to hit some places on the menu and try some fun things,” Kaylee said.

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