
Woodridge Police Use New VR Technology for De-escalation and Use of Force Training

Woodridge Police Use New VR Technology for De-escalation and Use of Force Training

The Woodridge Police Department has implemented cutting-edge virtual reality technology to enhance its officers’ training in de-escalation and use-of-force tactics, the first time this technology has been used in Illinois.

The department has been using the Australian-developed Operator XR system for three weeks. The immersive VR training, which simulates real-world scenarios from routine traffic stops to high-stress situations, allows officers to practice without knowing what to expect in each session.

“Technology allows us to train our officers in de-escalation, crisis intervention and active shooter response,” said Woodridge Police Chief Tom Stefanson. “It increases our chances of a safe resolution for everyone involved, including our officers and community members.”

The council approved the $110,000 purchase of federal drug seizure funds, ensuring no taxpayer money was used. The training system uses officers’ real weapons, which have been modified to be non-lethal during drills.

After each session, use of force instructors review and critique officers’ responses and provide feedback on how to improve their tactics.

Although there has never been a police-involved shooting in Woodridge, Police Chief Stefanson stressed the importance of continuing to develop training to ensure safety in the event of a crisis.

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